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Yiume(David's Wear)Yiume(David's Wear)Yiume(David's Wear)

What We Offer

If you are interested, please contact us. 📮:

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Alice Brown

A British textile designer
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Rob Hawes

A Hawaiian artist and creator
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Amy Suther

Artist + Surface Pattern Designer
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Car Pintos

An artist and the best-selling author
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Grace Andersson

Illustration and Surface Pattern Design
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How are artists selected for collaborations?

  • We review all applications with an eye for creativity, uniqueness, and alignment with YIUME's values. Selected artists will be contacted for further discussion.

2. What types of artwork are you looking for?

  • We welcome all forms of visual art that can be translated onto apparel, including but not limited to illustrations, paintings, and digital art.

3. Will I retain the rights to my artwork?

  • Yes, artists retain all rights to their artwork. YIUME seeks permission to use the artwork for the specific collaboration collection only.

4. How is the commission structured?

  • Commission rates are discussed individually with each artist and are based on factors such as collection size and expected sales volume.

5. Can international artists apply?

  • Absolutely! We are looking for unique artistic expressions from around the world and welcome applications from artists of all nationalities.

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